How to use?
Copy-paste the following <script>
s near the end of your pages under JS Implementing Plugins to enable them.
Copy-paste the following <script>
near the end of your pages under JS Vodi to enable it.
Copy-paste the init function under JS Plugins Init., before the closing </body>
tag, to enable it.
Preview template option
If you want to use an actual HTML element instead of providing a String as a config option, you could create a div with the ID and then put the template inside it.
Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-hs-dropzone-options='{}'
. For more detailed or missing attributes/functions, see the official Dropzone.js documentation page.
Parameters | Description | Default value |
Has to be specified on elements other than form (or when the form doesn't have an action attribute). You can also provide a function that will be called with files and must return the url | "../../assets/include/dropzone-upload.html" |
If null, the ratio of the image will be used to calculate it. | 300 |
The same as thumbnailWidth . If both are null, images will not be resized. |
300 |
A string that contains the template used for each dropped file. Change it to fulfill your needs but make sure to properly provide all elements. |